Dr. Decates at Jinek

This past Monday evening, Dr. Decates was featured on the high-profile program Jinek. In this episode Tom talks about what science tells us about the increasing treatments of Botox and fillers among young people and young adults. See the full episode here https://www.rtlxl.nl/programma/jinek/68253d90-8dae-4b37-9600-c6421544781d

Botox in lips: why not (or yes)?

It’s a common misconception: people who want full lips immediately think of injecting botox. But did you know that for extra volume you should not go for botox, but for fillers? Both treatments serve a different purpose! Yet botox can be used effectively in the area around the lips. I’d like to tell you how. […]

Botox in Amsterdam

botox in amsterdam

I am Dr. Decates and I will fulfil your wish when it comes to botox in Amsterdam. My clinic is located in the capital city, among other places, and here I have been specializing in Botulinum Toxin and fillers since 2011. My goal? To be able to make a big difference with small adjustments. As […]

Dr Decates at the Telegraph

On October 22, 2020, guest of the Telegraph.Pim Sedee interviews Tom Decates about the use of injectables in young people, methods and complications. “Cosmetic doctor Tom Decates is very concerned. More and more young people are taking a selfie with a filter to a clinic. They want to look as much like the edited version […]

Eat your greens!

It is found mainly in colourful fruits and vegetables and it helps you against the ageing of your eyes and your body.A minimum intake of 6 mg of lutein and zeaxanthin should already be enough to counteract the ageing of the eyes and cells, according to results from available research. Lutein and zeaxanthin protect the […]

Young people much more likely to use botox, sometimes disastrous effect

Under my direction, Erasmus MC conducted a new study on treatments with botox and fillers among 18-25-year-olds. In the AD of July 1, 2020, I explained some of the results. A selection from the article: Decates calls the increase “striking because it involves a vulnerable age group.” Teens and 20-somethings – who sometimes come along […]

Far from being back to normal

Virologist Marion Koopmans (advisor to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and the World Health Organization WHO) tells us that the Coronavirus is likely to come in our winter package. The idea that we will return to normal around May can be forgotten.The virus will most likely come back several times with fewer and […]

Cosmetic physician (KNMG): what does that mean?

cosmetisch arts

A plastic surgeon or cosmetic doctor… In your search for a specialist who can help you treat your imperfections, you will come across many different options. Who does what? And where can you go? If you can no longer see the forest for the trees, this is quite logical – it’s not easy. As a […]

Where do these viruses come from anyway….

Nice historical overview of communicable diseases.Pay particular attention to the time between pandemics.Almost every disease originated from animals. So-called zoonoses. Think SARS, MERS, Ebola, AIDS, swine and bird flu etc. We owe this to our intensive livestock farming and in the Far East the overcrowded animal markets.These are literally hothouses for new diseases from which […]